Renewable Energy

Govt may mandate 10% battery storage for new renewable energy projects

[Source - ET Energy World , 16 December 2024]
Dishant Rathee

Notable because

As the share of variable RE increases, the need for battery storage solutions to balance its intermittent nature grows. In FY24, RE (including hydro) accounted for 20% of India's electricity generation. As per India's targeted renewable purchase obligation (RPO) trajectory, it needs to grow ~2x to reach ~43% by 2030. As most of the growth is expected to be dominated by variable RE, battery storage is well-positioned to play a key role in enhancing grid stability and maximising RE generation.

What to look out for in the months ahead

Will the potential 10% mandate and further increasing it to a mandate of 40%, along with VGF for BESS, be able to mobilise capital to fund 208 GWh of BESS by 2030, as projected by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA)?

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