Riddhim Sehgal
Research Analyst
Riddhim works as a Research Analyst with the Technology Futures team at The Council. He was earlier interning with the Clean Air team at CEEW, focusing on Horticulture Waste Management and its methods. His work in the Technology Futures team focuses on wind energy technologies and manufacturing, recognising which technologies India needs to adopt in Wind R&D and trying to identify international standards that India could adopt to strengthen the supply chain and bolster the energy security of the country.
Prior to joining The Council, Riddhim was awarded the Mitacs GRI Scholarship in Canada and the DAAD-WiSE Scholarship in Germany to pursue Summer Internships in 2023 at INRS-EMT, Varennes, Montreal and LMU Munich respectively. He pursued an internship at INRS-EMT (Energy, Materials, Telecommunications) in Montreal where he worked on a plasma catalysis project, to identify sustainable catalysts for a green economy using plasma. He also got selected as a Summer Research Fellowship at IIT Delhi in the summer of ‘22, where he worked on reactor designing of a CO2 reduction reactor using photo-electrocatalysis.
Riddhim holds a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Economics from Delhi Technological University, New Delhi. Outside of work, Riddhim loves to watch a lot of cinema, something he finds solace in. Cinema and music are his escape from reality, while also the biggest teachers for life. He loves watching films from all around the world, and hopes to open a movie club one day where people who have appreciation for great cinema come together. He also loves to cook Indian food for his closest ones, and loves to watch and play cricket and badminton.