Electric Mobility Dashboard

CEEW-CEF has developed the Electric Mobility Dashboard which captures and dynamically updates, on a fortnightly basis, EV volumes at a national, state and RTO level. It does this across seven electric vehicle categories while allowing users to apply multiple filters and view alternative perspectives of India's electric mobility transition. The dashboard also includes a comprehensive comparison of state level consumer policies that incentivise the purchase of electric vehicles.
Last Updated On 10 February 2025

Volume Monitors

EV National Volume Monitor

The National Volume Monitor provides annual EV volume performance. It features a dynamic interface with a dual filter.

State & Category Volume Monitor

The State & Category Volume Monitor provides data on EV penetration, category share, and top 10 states. It features a dynamic interface with a triple filter.


Savings Calculator

Estimates the financial savings and environmental benefits of shifting from a conventional vehicle to an EV.

Vehicle Stock calculator

Simulate different EV sales penetration scenarios for 2030 and understand the national impact on jobs, growth and sustainability.

State Policy Matrix

The State Policy Matrix features a two level comparison of consumer EV policies across 4 categories for each of the 14 states that have introduced them.

EV Penetration Heatmap

The EV Penetration Heatmap allows users to visually differentiate states based on the respective penetration of EVs achieved in their total vehicle sales.