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Up-to-date information and key trends in India's electric mobility market for relevant stakeholders including policymakers, regulators, investors, industry and consumers.
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Our OA tools and resources allow project developers and corporate electricity consumers to determine open access charges and tariffs for different modes and fuels.
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The rooftop solar business model decision making tool helps discoms compare and choose business models that are most suitable to be deployed based on their vision and strategy.
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CEF Quick reads decodes policy, trends and advances in the clean energy markets for key stakeholders in the renewable energy sector.
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CEF Insights - Annual Issue 2023
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CEF Quick reads decodes policy, trends and advances in the clean energy markets for key stakeholders in the renewable energy sector.
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Globally, power and electricity systems are dynamic and are adapting to new discoveries and inventions. Often it becomes difficult to understand a technology or a recent trend. CEF Explains breaks down a topic of relevance to its basics for everyone's understanding.
CEF Analysis
Tracking market trends is crucial for decision makers and overdose of information does not help. CEF Analysis reduces the clutter and shares key insights and recommendations for businesses in the clean energy sector.
Markets & Trends
Market Handbook
Investment Trends
Market Handbook
The CEEW-CEF Market Handbook aims to help investors, executives and policymakers with evidence-based decision making by identifying and analysing trends critical to India’s energy transition.
Investment Trends
The Clean Energy Investment Trends is a joint project of the CEEW Centre for Energy Finance and the International Energy Agency (IEA). By monitoring market activity and identifying market trends, the project seeks to provide a practical guide to stakeholders for understanding how the interaction between risks and regulations is shaping investment flows.
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About Us
CEEW-CEF acts as a non-partisan market observer and driver that monitors, develops, tests, and deploys financial solutions to advance the energy transition. It aims to help deepen markets, increase transparency, and attract capital in clean energy sectors in emerging economies.The CEEW Centre for Energy Finance (CEF) is an initiative of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), one of Asia’s leading think tanks.
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Tracking market trends is crucial for decision-makers and an overdose of information does not help. CEF Analysis reduces the clutter and shares key insights and recommendations for businesses in the clean energy sector.
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Author's Name
Amlan Bibhudatta
Anjali Viswamohanan
Apoorv Minocha
Arjun Dutt
Ashish Diwakar
Dhruv Warrior
Dishant Rathee
Gagan Sidhu
Gireesh Shrimali
Harsha V Rao
Kanika Chawla
Manu Aggarwal
Meghna Nair
Nikhil Sharma
Priti Dubey
Rishabh Jain
Ruchita Shah
Saloni Jain
Shrey Sood
Shreyas Garg
Sidhartha maheshwari
Sugandha Somani
Vaibhav Pratap Singh
Disha Agarwal
Sugandha Sumani Gopal
Barath Mahadevan
Neeraj Kuldeep
Prashant Vaze
Akanksha Tyagi
Arunabha Ghosh
Sangeeth Raja
Vaibhav Saxena
Olivia Zeydler (WEF)
Lucila Arboleya
Selna Saji
Sandeep Bhattacharya
Tanushree Garg
Raj Gopalakrishnan (Accenture)
Neha Kumar
Kashish Shah
Abhinav Soman
Roktim Chakraborty
Riddhi Mukherjee
Charmi Mehta
Uday Veer Singh
Labanya Prakash Jena
Dhruba Purkayastha
Kavita Vij
Greenium: Meaning and determinants
April 2023
1 mins read
Amlan Bibhudatta
Industrial Decarbonisation
+ 1 More
Sustainability-linked Bonds for Decarbonising Hard...
June 2022
5 mins read
Nikhil Sharma
Industrial Decarbonisation
+ 1 More
Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement Continues t...
February 2022
7 mins read
Harsha V Rao
Industrial Decarbonisation
+ 1 More
Making India Inc. Net-Zero
January 2022
3 mins read
Shreyas Garg
+ 1 More
Catalysing Green Hydrogen Growth in India
October 2021
2 mins read
Saloni Jain
Instruments & Regulations
+ 1 More
Debarring discoms from power exchanges: will it wo...
August 2021
7 mins read
Ruchita Shah
Instruments & Regulations
+ 1 More
How does the electricity (Rights of Consumers) rul...
April 2021
6 mins read
Saloni Jain
Electric Mobility
Charging up the EV supply chain
March 2021
4 mins read
Vaibhav Pratap Singh
Electric Mobility
The importance of electric vehicle roaming for Ind...
March 2021
3 mins read
Sidhartha maheshwari
How to structure thermal decommissioning in India
March 2021
4 mins read
Vaibhav Pratap Singh
Instruments & Regulations
+ 1 More
Customs duty for solar manufacturing is good, but ...
March 2021
4 mins read
Ruchita Shah
Electric Mobility
The benefits and challenges of electric vehicle ro...
January 2021
3 mins read
Sidhartha maheshwari
Electric Mobility
Do Indian EV policies adequately support charging ...
December 2020
7 mins read
Meghna Nair
Renewable Energy
Dissecting innovative RE procurement models in Ind...
November 2020
6 mins read
Nikhil Sharma
Electric Mobility
One for all, all for one: Interoperability of publ...
September 2020
2 mins read
Sidhartha maheshwari
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy as catalyst for capital markets a...
August 2020
3 mins read
Gagan Sidhu
Electric Mobility
Low-cost policy pathways for electric vehicle depl...
July 2020
2 mins read
Gireesh Shrimali
Renewable Energy
Guaranteeing India’s renewable energy ambitions
June 2020
3 mins read
Gagan Sidhu
Renewable Energy
Solar PV Manufacturing: Reassessing Priorities in ...
May 2020
9 mins read
Rishabh Jain
Renewable Energy
+ 1 More
Financing the Energy Transition in a Post Covid-19...
April 2020
4 mins read
Gagan Sidhu
Instruments & Regulations
+ 1 More
Streamlining Open Access – An Alternative to Scali...
March 2020
4 mins read
Nikhil Sharma
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