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Arunabha Ghosh appointed to UN Committee for Development Policy

Arunabha Ghosh at the Climate Engineering Conference 2017 held in Berlin (Source: Dirk Enters/IASS)

We are immensely proud to announce that the UN Secretary-General recently appointed our CEO, Arunabha Ghosh, as one of the 24 members of the UN Committee for Development Policy. The nominations received an approval by the UN Economic and Social Council.

The Committee for Development Policy (CDP) is a subsidiary advisory body of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The 24 members are nominated in their personal capacity by the Secretary-General, and are appointed by ECOSOC for a period of three years. The membership reflects a wide range of development experience as well as geographical and gender balance. The Committee will advise the ECOSOC on emerging economic, social and environmental issues relevant for the design and implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda, and for strengthening of the international development co-operation. A few examples of recent CDP work include: global governance and rules for the post-2015 era; promoting productive capacity for sustainable development; strengthening international support measures for LDCs; and achieving sustainable development in an age of climate change.

Dr. Ghosh has been an adviser to governments and international negotiations, with several years of experience in international organizations, including the United Nations Development Programme, World Trade Organization, Asian Development Bank, Commonwealth Secretariat, DFID, IDRC, International Energy Agency, International Finance Corporation, IPCC, Oxfam International, Transparency International, United Kingdom Ministry of Justice, USAID and the World Bank. He holds regular public lectures and presentations, including to the President of India, the Indian Parliament, the European Parliament and the Brazilian Senate. Read his bio here.