India’s mobility sector is witnessing rapid growth in volume, energy consumption and carbon emissions. The sustainable mobility team envisions meeting the need for low-carbon transport and optimising the consumption of energy and use of public space. The team is working towards minimising health and economic externalities and emissions from transport. Our goal is to maximise economic growth and social well-being connected to mobility.
We currently focus our research and interventions in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Kerala. We support planning the transition of select commercial vehicles to EVs, enhancing the supply and quality of bus services, and exploring new interventions such as low-emission zones and road pricing.
Financial Express
Driving Durable Transportation
Arjun Dutt, Gagan SidhuThe New Indian Express
India’s EV Transition Needs Policy Reform
Krishna Khanna, Himani JainET Energyworld
Hydrogen Buses Can Pave the Way for Energy Security in India’s Heavy-Duty Mobility Sector
Himani Jain