The sustainable cooling team works towards harnessing the potential for jobs, growth, and sustainability in the Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (HVAC) and allied sectors, thereby achieving the goal of providing access to thermal comfort for all. As co-authors of the India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP), our research focuses on bridging technology and knowledge gaps in the HVAC value chain and developing a framework for India’s Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) transition and end-of-life management of refrigerants. Further, our research extends to building a collaborative R&D ecosystem for cooling innovation, catalysing the training and formalisation of the refrigeration and air-conditioning servicing sector, leading market-shaping efforts through consumer awareness campaigns on energy efficiency, and developing novel financing options for upcoming technologies.
The Council is among the pioneering institutions to begin India-focused research on phasing-down HFCs. Our modelling of India’s long-term HFC emissions, and analysis of different trajectories to leapfrog away from them, enabled us to support India’s negotiations to phase-down HFCs under the Montreal Protocol. We continue to adopt an integrated and inclusive approach in our research by combining rigorous methodologies and strategic engagement across various stakeholders, including policymakers, industry associations, academia, independent experts, and civil society, to achieve impact at scale.
Building a Climate Conscious India: Scalable Solutions for a low carbon built environment
Programme Lead
Programme Associate
Research Analyst
ISHRAE Journal
Manage AC Gas in a Warming World
Sonal KumarDainik Jagran
आसान होगी पर्यावरण के संरक्षण की राह
Sonal KumarDainik Jagran
पर्यावरण हितैषी कूलिंग व्यवस्था
Sonal Kumar