Council on Energy, Environment and Water Integrated | International | Independent

What On Earth!®

Dedicated to the planet, our Pale Blue Dot, CEEW presents What On Earth!® A cartoon series on sustainability, on how we are treating the planet and how the planet is treating us back. What On Earth!® will appear fortnightly and on special days with a point or a counterpoint to ponder and share.

The 007 of Climate


What can shake up a sector barely stirring to invest in the planet? "Green Bonds!" says What On Earth! ™, the 007 of climate finance. #PaleBlueDot #007  "

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Can we do for GHG emissions what we did for for Covid-19?


"We've overcome the devastating pandemic together as a people. "What's stopping us from doing the same for climate change?" asks What On Earth!™  #CollaborateForClimate

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Telangana’s Cool Roof Policy


"What On Earth!™ lauds Telangana’s Cool Roof Policy & hopes that this year of the 'cooling' #COP28 will change how we build for good. Let's aim for a greener, cooler future!"

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Sun protection factor for states feeling the heat!


“Take extra cover,” says What On Earth!™ to states feeling the heat. To save the day, it’s time for effective heat action plans to come into play.  #Heatwaves #PaleBlueDot

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Taking a stand for the Pale Blue Dot!


Actions speak louder than words. This one’s for Dr Makenzie Lystrup and her pledge on the Pale Blue Dot. “In a warming world, such actions may just be what the doctor ordered!” says What On Earth!™ #ClimateAction

Wednesday, April 20, 2023

Time for Paris Agreement 2.0


If the Paris Agreement can’t, what can?
Join the Republic of Vanuatu, the UN and What On Earth!™ in asking the International Court of Justice how countries can be held accountable for the devastation their excessive emissions are causing? #ClimateJustice #PaleBlueDot Read more on this here

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Ask what you can do for the planet


Ask not what the planet can do for you (seriously?). But ask what you can do for the planet. And then just do it! Says What On Earth!™, heartsore and tired as she prepares for the summer of ’23. #IPCC #ClimateAction #PaleBlueDot

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Learning from the Millet


We're already feeling the heat this early in 2023! Just the right time of the year to reorganise our shelves and lives with some climate-friendly choices! #MoreMillets #Heatwave #PaleBlueDot

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

It's business sense to invest in resilience

climate finance cartoon

“Invest in resilience where it's most needed. Why wont’ you?” asks What On Earth!™ to the powers that can. It's the only thought for the day, year and the decade that counts.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Extreme Climate Warrants some Name-Calling!

ceew extreme climate cartoon


As extreme climate continues to threaten our world, some name calling is absolutely warranted, says What On Earth!™.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022
