15 Dec 2021 | 1530 – 1700 IST (1100–1230 CET)
While India’s renewables policy and market ecosystem has succeeded in delivering 150 GW installed capacity, including hydro, the pace of investments needs to rise considerably in order to achieve India’s 500 GW renewables target by 2030.
The webinar will present findings from the recently released IEA Renewables 2021 report with a focus on India and features the launch of CEEW-CEF and IEA’s 'Clean Energy Investment Trends 2021' report. Now in its fourth iteration, the Clean Energy Investment Trends report tracks project-level renewable energy market and financing trends to explain how the interaction of risks and regulations shapes investment flows. The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion examining the barriers in India’s journey towards its 500 GW renewables by 2030 target and key policy- and market-related enablers of investment flows.