Kartikey is a Research Analyst with the Sustainable Water team at CEEW. His research interests focus on the governance of urban wastewater management, circular economy and sustainable urbanization.
Prior to joining The Council, Kartikey was a Capstone Fellow with Global Solutions Initiative-GIZ, Berlin. Here, he conducted extensive research and co-authored a research report on State of Circular Economy in India, and contributed an opinion piece to Volume 9- INTERSECTING book (GSI-GIZ) on Urban Metabolism. He has also worked as a researcher with Cities Alliance where he undertook a global review of the literature on Urban Informal Economy (UIE), as part of their global programme on Informality.
He holds a masters in Public Policy from Jindal School of Government and Public Policy and a Bachelors in Technology in Electrical Engineering from Govt. College of Engineering and Technology, Bikaner.