Council on Energy, Environment and Water Integrated | International | Independent
Prateek Aggarwal

Prateek Aggarwal

Programme Lead

Prateek is currently engaged in The Council’s power programme in Uttar Pradesh. Working out of The Council’s Lucknow office, he is currently focusing on shaping a responsive consumer base, institutionalising reforms in utilities, and optimising power procurement and retail tariff structures in UP.

Prateek has been engaging with the utilities of UP, the Forum of Regulators and various electricity regulatory commissions to understand their operations, the role of regulators, and the governance of the sector as a whole.

Prateek has been actively tracking power sector reforms and exploring cross linkages between energy, environment, and water. He envisages the Indian power sector to be CAT (Clean, Affordable, Transparent) by 2030.

Prateek holds an undergraduate degree in Power System Engineering and an MBA in Power Management from the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun.

  • 35,000decisions every day
  • 20,000kWh of power saved
  • 3 litreswater consumed daily
  • What I believe in


    The illusion that we understand the past fosters overconfidence in our ability to predict the future.


    Daniel Kahneman


    What Others say


    Working with Prateek has certainly helped build my capacity and knowledge base in the power sector. But for all of us, a skill worth learning from him is the skill of managing people and relationships in both professional and personal terms.


    Kanika Balani

    Research Analyst