04 Oct 2018 | 0930 – 0300
The workshop organised in Lucknow is the first in a series of capacity building workshops aimed at improving consumer knowledge on Uttar Pradesh’s (UP) power sector and creating an environment conducive for reforms. The workshop focused on the fundamentals of electricity tariffs, an overview of the tariff determination exercise, and the role of electricity distribution companies (discoms) in consumer protection. Representatives from 35 civil society organisations (CSOs) working at grassroots in different districts of the state including UP Rajya Vidyut Upbhokta Parishad, Consumer Coordination Council, Mahila Samakhya attended the workshop.
The Council’s Power Sector team believes that capacity building of consumers in the state’s power sector is necessary to drive reforms in the right direction. Our research programme will address three core issues in the state’s power sector - creating a responsive consumer base, enabling institutional reforms in discoms, and restructuring power procurement and retail tariff structures.
In his keynote address, S.K Agarwal, Hon’ble Member, Uttar Pradesh Electricity Commission (UPERC) emphasised on the role of consumer representatives and CSOs in improving consumer awareness about the provisions for grievance redressal and fostering a system wherein consumers would get their electricity-related complaints resolved in each district via their consumer representatives. Mr Agarwal added, “I appreciate the efforts of organisations like CEEW and CEED in facilitating representation and redressal of consumer issues at the discom level in each district of UP.”